quotation-icon.jpgI will confess to the impulse toward gleeful What-like rantings at seeing Park Slope and Cobble Hill in the murder zone, and Bed Stuy–where I keep urging cash-strained friends in the whiter parts of town to move and being told they can’t because it’s not a safe place to raise kids–outside of it.

— by MiceElfAgain in North Brooklyn Safer Than South Brooklyn?

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  1. Imagine that 76 precinct with consistent low crime rates compared to rest of nyc through the years is the home of those’horrible public housing projects’ both the Red Hook Houses AND the Gowanus Houses. How is that possible all you project haters ?

  2. 76th precinct – covering Red Hook, Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill; parts of Boerum Hill & Gowanus has had 3 murders so far in 2008; the same as 2007.

    Somehow I am sickened by anyone’s glee regarding murder statistics.

    When numbers are that low it is pretty hard for an area as large as this to not have a one off spike; fortunately though that hasn’t happened.

    See http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/downloads/pdf/crime_statistics/cs076pct.pdf

  3. One problem with your comment.

    There ARE more murders and crimes in Bed Stuy than in Park Slope and Cobble Hill.

    The article is about North and South Brooklyn, not specific neighborhoods.

    Obviously this comment was chosen to bolster comments and not because of the merits of its content.