PLG Residents Ask City Hall for a Temporary Halt to High-Rise Construction
A reader sent in these photographs of the rally in Manhattan Friday calling for a temporary moratorium on high-rise construction along the east side of Prospect Park in Prospect Lefferts Gardens while residents try to downzone the area. Our tipster said she counted at least 75 people in attendance, although the photos seem to show…

A reader sent in these photographs of the rally in Manhattan Friday calling for a temporary moratorium on high-rise construction along the east side of Prospect Park in Prospect Lefferts Gardens while residents try to downzone the area. Our tipster said she counted at least 75 people in attendance, although the photos seem to show fewer.
Speakers at the event included City Councilman Mathieu Eugene and Community Board 9 member Diana Richardson. The protest was organized by the Prospect Park East Network and cosponsored by the Lefferts Manor Association, Flatbush Tenants Coalition, and Prospect Lefferts Gardens Neighborhood Association.
Suddenly I’m not half the man I used to be. There’s a shadow hanging over me…
Are they trying to halt the Flatbush tower or just future towers on the park? Flatbush obviously does not border Prospect Park. It would be like protesting a tower on 57th Street because it borders on Central Park.
I dont understand. This project is approved and conforms to current zoning and height limitations. They can rally to downzone but this building will go up. Dont understand exactly what they are calling for? A new l;aw that you arent allowed to build as of right?
Can anyone do some real reporting?
Or maybe you cant do real reporting on unreal rallies? 🙁
Your obvious slanted stance is not helpful to the debate
Legally there is no “Temporary halt” TO legal approved as of right developments.
So they have no legal standing but they want to “NEgotiate”?
this is a weird form of “Negotiating”