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  1. Benson, I have nothing but respect for you, your family and all of your hard work. However, I found your statement that the poor have little stake in their government because they don’t pay taxes (and may in the future pay even less) to be both condescending and — well, kinda offensive. In my opinion. Based on my opinion, I also made some assumptions about you. I don’t know you — they could be wrong.

    But let me point out the obvious flaw in your argument again. Paying taxes doesn’t give one a “stake” in the government. The government is not a corporation. We don’t own shares in it. We each get one vote, that’s it. And we get that vote whether we make your salary or your gardener’s.

  2. “I’d sooner move before my wife and daughter have to go to some government medical clinic, as they have in England.”

    Benson, there are many worse things than the UK National Health Service. In most cases, private operations are performed in NHS hospitals because they have the best equipment and the same doctors often have both public and private practices.

    I didn’t use to be a fan of the NHS but, having seen how the rest of the world does it, I have no complaints.

  3. Heather;

    I don’t understand your post,frankly. Let me try to clarify some points:

    -where do I demonize the poor? I am completely lost by this statement, and I think you might be projecting on my behalf. I do not say one unkind thing about the poor in my statements above. I wish you would respect that I might just have a different opinion than you as to best way to go about things. I’ll tell you, I’m really getting tired of debates on Brownstoner degrading into accusations about intentions. I am sure that you think the way you do because you believe that it is the best way to govern ourselves in a democracy, and I wish you would accord the same respect to me.

    -likewise, I do not know what the heck you are talking about with your Horatio Alger comment. Where do I hold myself up as some type of example for all to follow? When I wrote about breaking my back and travelling, I was responding to Sam’s sneer about what a person my age should be doing.

    -finally, it is precisely because I and my family have to contend with two chronic diseases that I want the government OUT of the health care field. I’d sooner move before my wife and daughter have to go to some government medical clinic, as they have in England. I pay through the nose for their medical care,and I’m happy to do so, despite the burden it presents. I work for my money, and I spend it on the things I want. That is freedom to me.

    Finally, my overall point was: I try to live by my principles. Believe me, it would be a HUGE financial burden off my back if I could unload my medical bills on the taxpayer. I could slow down and enjoy life more. However, once again, I try to live by my principles. If you don’t agree with them, that’s fine, but stop accusing me of demonizing anybody or any other bad intentions.

    I think Mr. B or someone here should teach folks basic manners as to how to have a debate. Rule # 1: respect your debating partner, and treat them as you would like to be treated. Rule # 2: don’t put words in people’s mouths, and don’t project their intentions.

  4. I can see that the tWhat is back with his cyberturrets.

    I have noticed that the tWhat responds most negatively to film references and quotes. Something to which he seems to think he has some larger insight on.

    what happened? slow night at the NAMBLA convention?

    Someday this tWhat is gonna give up.

    As for SAM, you obviously missed the point of the discussion entirely. It’s not griping about paying taxes, it’s about the danger of only a small portion of the population paying the taxes and the implications on societal structure/expectations.
    Turn down the lib-knee-jerk-meter a bit.

  5. Benson, forgive me, I have relatives with lupus too, but, uh… doesn’t that make you think that perhaps a system that ensures their continued coverage would be better than the current one?

    There are many people in this country that break their back, and most of them don’t take business trips to silicon valley as part of that experience.

    Sorry, I feel like an ass for pointing this out, what with the earthquake and illnesses and all, I just really hate it when people demonize the poor and whine about how everyone should horatio alger it like they did. Newsflash: most people try.

  6. One more thing Sam;

    I go on these business trips because I am happy to have a good-paying job, no matter what it takes. I take nothing for granted. I have a wife with Lupus to take care of, and my daughter has MS. If I have to break my back to provide for my family, I’m happy to do it. I don’t look to anyone for my succor, which was the point of Legion’s last post.

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