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  1. The last day of classes for public high school was last Tuesday the 14th. This is regents week–students just come in for their tests. My daughter had one a day Tues-Thurs this week. Tomorrow is the last day, and they pick up report cards on Tuesday morning (or if they don’t show up, the school mails them. They are online anyway).

    Most private schools have been out for weeks already.

  2. Like the government or most Americans ever cared, right? Was it Buffy St. Marie who sang about breaking treaties while bragging about your Native American heritage?

  3. read this Legion-

    “the Chandra study strengthens the evidence that dark energy is the cosmological constant, and is not growing in strength with time, which would cause the Universe to eventually rip itself apart.

    “Putting all of this data together gives us the strongest evidence yet that dark energy is the cosmological constant, or in other words, that ‘nothing weighs something’,” said Vikhlinin. “A lot more testing is needed, but so far Einstein’s theory is looking as good as ever.”

    It seems we won’t quite be ripping ourselves apart for a number of reasons. Really interesting stuff! BTW- the theory was published in 2003. We have about several billions of years to panic 🙂

  4. Sorry- can’t answer. Too busy killing ourselves after reading your news. 🙂

    How long have we got? Do I have time to go get an ice cream?

  5. Not so rob. without creative people you wouldn’t have great architecture, art, photography, books, furniture you can actually sit on, the internet as it is today, anyone of a huge number of things that impact us in daily life, visually, emotionally, financially or physically. maybe a better term would have been “creative thinkers.” That of course would expand it far beyond the usual interpretation of artists and graphic designers (which I happen to be).

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