Rob you’re the only person I’ve ever really known who actually grew up in projects.
I only lived in the projects proper from 11-13. the complex we moved into after that was not a HUD building but more of a section 8 building, but we didnt have a section 8 voucher, but it was an income restricted development where people payed rent based on their “reported” income. tho maybe that was part of HUD. there were market raters in the building too, teachers, etc. maybe they were paying based on their income too? jersey affordable housing may have been a little different at that time. the apartment building i lived in from 11-13 years old, everyone was already having sex at that age and i was still playing with stuff animals. not a good scene. my grandmother was always good when i made ultimatums about stuff (like when i said i was NOT going to high school in 1991 until she brought me to toys r us that summer and bought me a super nintendo the august before i was to attend high school). there’s nothing wrong with that, sometimes kids NEED to be assertive with their parents and demand things for their own good. i demanded we moved out of that nasty complex too. i was adopted and guardianship was a tad on the shakey side (there were papers that i was only to be under their care for a certain amount of years i think) so i always kinda used that as leverage. yeah i was a brat, but i had to be.
77/79, Ok, I was already in HS. Funny that I walked past your apt. building everyday on my way to/from subway to school! You prolly saw me and my two friends that I walked with.
btw, saw that junkie guy other night…..amazing still alive. the one walks around sometimes with crutches, longish graying hair, beard, skinny as a rail. lived(s) somewhere west of clinton or henry — maybe sackett or thereabouts. Has been a mess, hustler, drug user all these years. Frightening to look at…especially when he smiled at us when passing.
there goes the gourmet dinner.
my raviolis exploded in the boiling water 🙁
Rob you’re the only person I’ve ever really known who actually grew up in projects.
I only lived in the projects proper from 11-13. the complex we moved into after that was not a HUD building but more of a section 8 building, but we didnt have a section 8 voucher, but it was an income restricted development where people payed rent based on their “reported” income. tho maybe that was part of HUD. there were market raters in the building too, teachers, etc. maybe they were paying based on their income too? jersey affordable housing may have been a little different at that time. the apartment building i lived in from 11-13 years old, everyone was already having sex at that age and i was still playing with stuff animals. not a good scene. my grandmother was always good when i made ultimatums about stuff (like when i said i was NOT going to high school in 1991 until she brought me to toys r us that summer and bought me a super nintendo the august before i was to attend high school). there’s nothing wrong with that, sometimes kids NEED to be assertive with their parents and demand things for their own good. i demanded we moved out of that nasty complex too. i was adopted and guardianship was a tad on the shakey side (there were papers that i was only to be under their care for a certain amount of years i think) so i always kinda used that as leverage. yeah i was a brat, but i had to be.
“btw, saw that junkie guy other night”
I haven’t seen him in ages, but I see the woman…EESH, and she is a FRIGHT! : P
77/79, Ok, I was already in HS. Funny that I walked past your apt. building everyday on my way to/from subway to school! You prolly saw me and my two friends that I walked with.
If 600 black women march in your head, I suggest a trip to Bellevue 😉
Or Cattyshack. oh wait 🙁
btw, saw that junkie guy other night…..amazing still alive. the one walks around sometimes with crutches, longish graying hair, beard, skinny as a rail. lived(s) somewhere west of clinton or henry — maybe sackett or thereabouts. Has been a mess, hustler, drug user all these years. Frightening to look at…especially when he smiled at us when passing.
probably 1979 I got the apt. I 1st came to neighborhood in 1977….stayed with my brother/sister-in-law on Clinton also by atlantic/pacific.
$4000 down payment possible. Not selling price.