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  1. mopar- my undergrad degree was in architecture, I worked in CA for a small firm for a year or so, then moved to NYC, and worked for another small firm (small enough that I got to run my own projects as a fresh undergrad), then was freelance for a while, working on a per-project basis with a few other companies doing some high-end retail, some space-planning, other random stuff.

    The economy was good (initially) so breaking in wasn’t too hard. I think I was also temping a bit for an arch. staffing agency, which helped get a sense of what was going on in different offices. The initial nyc job I had was just answering an ad… worked out pretty well. But I’m a really good employee.

    I love architecture (my wife’s an architect) but I hated working in the field. Way too much management, and in nyc, way too many interiors. I think I can do it quite well, but not how I wanted to spend my life.

  2. Thanks, Arkady, but it’s the same exterminator. Not to give him a bad name — I’ve actually been calling him and a partner of his, trying to get the two of them over at the same time.

  3. lech- greyhound used to have an equivalent of the eurail(sp) pass that let you ride the dog as much as you wanted for 60 or 90 days. Sort of superghetto eurail. I did that (after an aborted cross-country solo bike ride) and it was a pretty great way to see the US.

    Unfortunately, it requires the kid to be interested in that sort of thing… and if they were, they wouldn’t really need it.

    Is there a way to drop them in a european country with two grand and make them stay there for six months without any new money? Or hike the appalachian trail? Or do NOLS?

    But again, they all require them to be interested in these cool things before doing them. catch-22.

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