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  1. Just looked up the seller’s broker on that house, CGar. Seems like the majority of stuff she has sold is in Kensington or WT. Per her profile she’s never sold a house in the Heights or BoCoCa before.
    So another odd choice by the seller in this case.

  2. I had a similar bad experience with a Seller’s broker. Turned out she was a rental agent whose client gave her the listing when they decided to sell their house, and she did them a real disservice by taking the listing because she had no clue what she was doing every step of the way.

  3. delepp, really. mazdas if not for the steering dynamic, it aint that special.

    dibs, when the seal on the bearing is cracked, you’ll only hear it on turns. if bearing is cracked, yeah, hear it all the time

  4. Actually, m4l, I think the Seller’s broker is an idiot!!! My broker is one of the top producers, and you don’t just blow her off.

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