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  1. By lechacal on May 6, 2010 9:24 AM

    “If we were serious about removing carbon from the environment we would simply cut down billions of trees in mature stands”

    By lechacal on May 6, 2010 9:27 AM

    “In fact, loggers who clearcut old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest and replace them with new stands have done immeasurably more to save the Earth from global warming than all of the prius-driving, “green” condo buying do-gooders combined.”


    And show me where it says that new trees don’t suffer from infections, high winds, pests, etc. at higher rates than older trees.

  2. cmu, He’s pouting. He wants to be ‘king of the hill’ but he refuses to back up his ‘facts’. Where’s the sense of fair play? And if he is ‘right’, then there is a ton of data to show it.

    I’m not tooo worried about him. The whole ‘stationary treadmill’ is just his passive aggressive attempt to skewer us.

    Not buying it, lech! Put up or clam up!

  3. Sigh. Poor lechacal. I do believe you’re pouting! I thought you had more back bone than that!

    You’re asked for back up, and you provide none. It took me mere minutes to find the stuff I found that rebuts some of what you say, shouldn’t be too hard for you to find sources to back up your facts either. If they exist. ; )

  4. “I go home and read things that interest me and get a full night of sober sleep every night. I think my last really bad habit to get rid of is riding this stationary treadmill every day. ”

    Hey, I totally agree about wasting time. But it’s the Forum I would miss, if you own a house a lot of interesting issues, and I hope I contribute in turn.

  5. lech: I basically stopped drinking

    NOW that explains it all…

    On a more serious note, I’m now worried about lech. That last post was quite serious and has more than a hint of ‘lady doth protest too much’ in it. Maybe we were too hard on him.

  6. I think today’s back and forth really drove home for me what a stationary mental treadmill the brownstoner OT is. I waste this incredible amount of time on here, which of course is no one’s fault but my own, and to what end? To get in a pissing match with a bunch of people who think a 45 second google search and a cut-and-paste job is a plausible substitute for learning and debate? I’ve made some huge changes in my life in the past few months. I basically stopped drinking, with pretty rare exceptions. I generally don’t stay late at work any more. I go home and read things that interest me and get a full night of sober sleep every night. I think my last really bad habit to get rid of is riding this stationary treadmill every day. God only knows what I might have accomplished with all of these hours. And when I need a blog fix there is always Asshathill. I’m not blogaciding or anything, I might stop by now and again, and might even show up for get togethers, but it’s just so starkly obvious right now that this is the next habit I need to break.

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