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thanks denton, it’s in the rigas building right off 4th ave? i think my insurance company is getting chary about all the weirdo doctors im going to lately. when we switched insurance i didnt use any of it for the first year, and now ive been to so many, for stupid stuff. grrrrr i feel like im a pain in the a$$ of the medical community!
“One of the hardest people I’ve ever had to comprehend was a very well known Economist who worked for Credit Lyonnais in Asia.”
Dr Jim! I’ve met him a couple of times.
His accent is far from the strongest Scots accent you’ll hear, although probably one of the strongest you’ll hear among senior employees of investment banks.
thanks denton, it’s in the rigas building right off 4th ave? i think my insurance company is getting chary about all the weirdo doctors im going to lately. when we switched insurance i didnt use any of it for the first year, and now ive been to so many, for stupid stuff. grrrrr i feel like im a pain in the a$$ of the medical community!
Yes, Dr. Jim, etson…really great guy too.
Not napping, just trolling the job listings. I feel guilty for being sick and not doing it for a few days.
Thanks for the advice before, cobble.
Unforunately, can’t not think about it. Just my personality…
Great word, etson!
Cobble, up from a nap?
etson, Maybe you need to take just one day and NOT think about it. then come at it again fresh?
Been a fairly busy day (+ still angsting).
etson! Look who’s back. Where have you been hiding all day?
“One of the hardest people I’ve ever had to comprehend was a very well known Economist who worked for Credit Lyonnais in Asia.”
Dr Jim! I’ve met him a couple of times.
His accent is far from the strongest Scots accent you’ll hear, although probably one of the strongest you’ll hear among senior employees of investment banks.