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NO…and I don’t want any guy that has one.
Yes I like my men smooth and hairless on the torso but a nice bit of hair on the legs is hot. Don’t mess with the nether regions except an occasional trimming with the scissors.
LOL ENY! I know a girl who tried to be all sexy and sprayed cheap perfume *there*. She howled like she was being beaten by Mike Tyson and ran in blind pain to try and wash it off!
NO…and I don’t want any guy that has one.
Yes I like my men smooth and hairless on the torso but a nice bit of hair on the legs is hot. Don’t mess with the nether regions except an occasional trimming with the scissors.
Nite all! : )
All right…time to start dinner. Nite ladies!
^^^^^^Ooooops, maybe TMI
Good Night
Okay, I really gotta go and get ready for the hairy one to walk in the door.
But at least I have a visual for later.
“I didn’t notice ANY words on the page!”
Me too! But somehow it was speaking to me.
Ha! Expert, it was a dead giveaway wasn’t it!
Likewise! I didn’t notice ANY words on the page!
LOL ENY! I know a girl who tried to be all sexy and sprayed cheap perfume *there*. She howled like she was being beaten by Mike Tyson and ran in blind pain to try and wash it off!