For the first time in years and just in time for the opening of The Flea tomorrow, the facade of the old Williamsburg Savings Bank is scaffolding-free. In this photo from an hour ago, you can see workers taking down the final pieces. Sweet.

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  1. Wow… after 20 years, that intersection may not look like a complete wreck! Can someone explain to me again why projects (public or private) seem to take soooooooo effing long in this city? Like, well beyond reasonable lengths of time.

  2. Brownstoner:

    A grand building that puts the new Atlantic Terminal entrance to shame.

    (Here’s an idea: Why don’t they link the abandoned banking floor to the station and make IT the entrance? We’d have Brooklyn’s own Grand Central!)

    Good luck with the new Flea!

    Nostalgic on Park Avenue

  3. I was in the bldg. last year to look at a few of the apts. It was on a Sunday and totally deserted. When we took the elevator down we hit the wrong button and ended up in the basement and saw the old vaults… hoping that some of you can check these out, they’re amazing and the size of the vault doors are just incredible.

  4. With the scaffolding down and the new Terminal completed next door, that area looks 1,000,000 times better!!!

    Very nice.

    Can’t wait to check out the Flea in this gorgeous old building.