North Brooklyn: Give Us Our Parks!
North Brooklynites, residents and politicians alike, are steamed at the lack of parks progress along the Williamsburg waterfront, according to an article in today’s Daily News. Back in 2005, when the neighborhood was rezoned in a sweeping revamp that allowed for tall residential towers along the East River, the city promised 33 acres of open…
North Brooklynites, residents and politicians alike, are steamed at the lack of parks progress along the Williamsburg waterfront, according to an article in today’s Daily News. Back in 2005, when the neighborhood was rezoned in a sweeping revamp that allowed for tall residential towers along the East River, the city promised 33 acres of open space over three new parks. To date, there’s one seven-acre soccer field and an unfinished Parks headquarters (above). “It’s totally unacceptable,” said Councilman Steve Levin. “The question to the Bloomberg administration is, ‘What are you going to do about it?’” The city’s pleading poverty: After paying $95 million for the soccer field site between North 9th and North 10th Streets, it now says it doesn’t have the dough to buy up the rest of the waterfront property. There will be a City Council hearing on the subject on Thursday.
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