Right under the giant behemoth apartment complex on 23rd and 4th ave known as 725 4th ave, which looks like a mental hospital from the outside, is a new pizza place opening called Barro. Despite the aesthetic drawbacks of the building, it should be a good spot: The nearest pizza places are Brothers Pizza on 19th and Fourth and the famous Luigi’s on 21st and 5th; it’s also just two blocks away for the 25th Street R-train station. GMAP

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. well, thats obnoxious,

    i currently live inside this colossal complex on 4th avenue and it DOES look like a mental hospital from the outside, and thats why it rocks!


  2. And I might add this building was built 110% better than 3/4 of the shit on 4th Ave in the past 5 years. Interior courtyards (much like the coops in Sunset Park, multiple windows for each apt. (G-forbid light and air), security, near transportation and some shopping…

    Gee, I just wrote the next stringer post for GWH? New assignment you’d like to give me?

  3. “which looks like a mental hospital from the outside”

    Um, Mr. B, you really need a new stringer for GWH. At least someone who does 10% of a job of research.

    Post WWII rent stabilized apt.s Mix of Latino, old-school Polish (unfortunately the Polish market next to the new pizza place closed this year) and new yupsters displaced from other areas in Bklyn.

    Track record in these store fronts (lately) is not so hot, so I’m not sure my friends in the ‘hood would agree with the author, but who could, they are just spouting whatever BS come to mind.

    New low for brownstoner…

  4. What’s so bad about the building. It is a red brick building with bronze framed windows, nothing out of the ordinary.

    At least it doesn’t scream “Fedders” at me a billion times when I look at it.

    Oh, and yes, I do like the clotheslines in the insets of the building, I just do !!

  5. I agree, Fix. Even the old chunk of Bellevue is lovely under the grime of years. Mental-hospital-wise, things probably started going downhill in the Creedmor Era. [realizes with alarm she knows way too much about this…]

  6. uuh…a lot of mental hosptitals, especially those built in 1850s-1950s, are actually better looking than 99% of new buildings… Cornell’s Westchester division, Butler Hospital in Providence, Institute for Living in Hartford are all interesting examples.

  7. yeah, why does it look like a mental hospital? because it’s big and has lots of regular sized windows? and it’s scary? definitely should have included a full size picture of the building if that’s the aspect your going to focus on. now i want to see a pic of this building but google maps or whatever it is always freezes up my computer.
