Now that the Sands Street bike lane has been completed, work is proceeding apace on a new planted island at the foot of the Manhattan Bridge on the border of Dumbo and Downtown Brooklyn. According to one of the DOT folks we spoke to on-site, it will likely be called the Sands and Jay Plaza, in honor of the two streets that converge at the western edge of the triangular plot.

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  1. This is great, but only if the city maintains it. I’m still irritated however that they wasted so much money on the bikepath along Sands – overkill.

    The newish plaza at the footpath exit on the other side of the bridge is lovely as well. NY Tech recently released plans to redo the entirety of the facade of their building across the street in glass. The entire atmosphere at the base of the bridge is really changing nicely.

  2. very clever name. Did they have a contest for that?
    They are working around the pedestrian path side plaza too recently…and they try to block off usage..but could not stop me. I was only person – walking of cycling on that side of bridge last night.