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  1. Saw your article Feb 2 about the ceiling falling in at 142 Bergen St. How many brokers were there looking at the building? Brokers looking at properties create the image there’s a stampede!! Hold on to your money!! Buyers create a Sellers market. Interest rates are not going up as many brokers want you to think. INTEREST REATES CONTROL THE ENTIRE ECONOMY NOT JUST THE REAL ESTATE SEGMENT. Greenspan has been telling us to be careful about these high home prices. I know renting is also a bitch with rent being so high. But if you hold off and rent for a while the market will slow prices will come down and you will be able to get a better deal. Take timeout. Take a deep breath. Remember the late 1980’s and early 1990’s when they told us the rise in values were not going to stop?? Well they did and actually crashed for at least 5 years. The NYTimes and generally all the media is telling us that these prices cannot be sustained!! pay attention. Think of it as your mother telling you not to put your hand on the stove because you could get burnt. You the Buyer are creating this Sellers market by rushing in. Hold off a little. Be good to yourself. Buying a home is like getting into a marriage and usually you want both to last and be able to afford. You don’t rush into a marriage and should not rush into a purchase!!