Monday Links
Bed Bugs. Photo by sabeth718. A Flawed Foundation, in Both Building and Agency [NY Times] When Your Neighbor Is Also Selling [NY Times] Steinways’ Granite Mansion for Sale in Queens [NY Times] Did Cuomo Birth Subprime Crisis? [NY Observer] Fannie Mae Loss of $2.3 Billion Exceeds Forecasts [WSJ] Bedbugs in Brooklyn: Get Used to Them…
Bed Bugs. Photo by sabeth718.
A Flawed Foundation, in Both Building and Agency [NY Times]
When Your Neighbor Is Also Selling [NY Times]
Steinways’ Granite Mansion for Sale in Queens [NY Times]
Did Cuomo Birth Subprime Crisis? [NY Observer]
Fannie Mae Loss of $2.3 Billion Exceeds Forecasts [WSJ]
Bedbugs in Brooklyn: Get Used to Them [Brooklyn Daily Eagle]
it was meant to make it more hassle to insult each other
Requiring registration to comment was supposed to do what again?
In the Cambridge thread–he said “since I am the What’s alter-ego….”
Classic trying to sound facetious while fessing strategy.
and “LOL” just to seal the case.
Dear clueless “what?” – there’s no person here so stupid as to refer to “cromagnum man” besides you. As if we needed further proof of your sock puppet.
We should really break out a bottle, no a magnum, of the bubbly.
Ooh hooray! After much marching about town I get to come home this morning and see multiple What posts! and the usual supsects…the joy!
So wait, wasder = when did Dow fess up – catch me up – did I miss something in the Friday thread?
I heard about your problem on Friday DOW. I think the only one “owned” here is you. Have you looked at the DOW and the S&P lately??
Remind us again, how many days left?
“surgery in the Dominican Republic”
“Cromagnum Man”
LOL! Owned.
The Cuomo story sounds like something the What would pull out of the air.