Monday Blogwrap
Bed Stuy film set, Fulton and Nostrand. Photo by bkpreservationista from the Brownstoner Flickr pool. Ukulele Man [Clinton Hill Blog] Bushwick Supermarket Sweep [BushwickBK] Farewell, NYC Waterfalls [Brooklyn Heights Blog] A Phantom Bell Atlantic Phone Booth [City Room] Amazing Cupcakes from Ladybird Bakery [Eat It: The Brooklyn Food Blog] The Eiffel Tower Of Brooklyn: The…
Bed Stuy film set, Fulton and Nostrand. Photo by bkpreservationista from the Brownstoner Flickr pool.
Ukulele Man [Clinton Hill Blog]
Bushwick Supermarket Sweep [BushwickBK]
Farewell, NYC Waterfalls [Brooklyn Heights Blog]
A Phantom Bell Atlantic Phone Booth [City Room]
Amazing Cupcakes from Ladybird Bakery [Eat It: The Brooklyn Food Blog]
The Eiffel Tower Of Brooklyn: The Queens Connection [New York Shitty]
Great classic cityscape! Love it!