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  1. Since it’s a slow day, I’d like to make a suggestion for the good of the cause.

    At least 95% of the posts on this site are from people who’re logged in as “guest”. This means that someone reading the comments on this site will be reading almost everything in faded type. Now, I understand why the faded type is used for “guests”. However, in my opinion it’s not worth it.

    The faded type is clearly legible, but over the long haul it is more fatigue-inducing than regular, darker type. So, Mr. B, do you really want to condemn your readership to slogging through so much faded type?

    Just a thought. Again, I do understand why the faded type was introduced. I just don’t think it’s worth it. You’re shooting yourself in the foot (and inducing eyestrain in your readers) as things currently stand.

    Many thanks for all you do.