Remember the one-day-a-week holiday market we threw last December at the Masonic Temple? Well, we’re gonna take it up a notch (or two) this year. For the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas, The Brooklyn Flea will be hosting its Gifted Holiday Market in one of the old Tower Records spaces at the corner of Lafayette and East 4th Street in Manhattan. (We tried to get our hands on every large space in Downtown Brooklyn but couldn’t find a single spot that worked.) Our friends at >Lucky Magazine will also be curating a portion of the event with a rotating cast of their favorite fashion and jewelry designers. The month-long stand will run from November 27 to December 24, with only Mondays and Tuesdays off (except for the final week when we’ll be open every day). We’re about 80 percent booked with vendors from the existing Flea family already, but we’ve purposefully saved slots for some fresh faces, so if you know anyone who might be a good candidate, please have them shoot an email to brooklynflea@gmail.com with “Gifted Vendor” as the subject. We’ll have more information about vendors, dj’s and Wednesday night after-work parties as we get a little closer to kick-off.

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  1. Tower was there forever and ever too. It was the cool place to hang out for teenagers, even visiting teenagers like me from the sticks of Philadelphia. Then Philadelphia got its own Tower Records, eventually and we were all impressed.

    Now, get off my lawn! I must find the geritol.

  2. Other Music is a great stuff, definitely. but tower had movies and stuff as well. tho, best buy in the area has the same crap, so i guess it really isnt that big of a loss.. i think i mostly only like tower when i would collect import cd singles, but those have pretty much gone the way of the dodo bird anyway.


  3. Rob, I think you’re confusing Tower Records with Other Music. Sure, Tower had a great selection and I practically lived there at one point, but a huge store like that….not yuppie? You’re living in la la land, baby!

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