
Two Trees is busy saving industrial and architectural artifacts from the various Domino buildings and will use them to create a High Line-style “Artifact Walk” and permanent exhibition at the development. Two Trees has tapped Landscape architecture firm and High Line designer James Corner Field Operations to create the park grounds for the Domino development, The New York Daily News reported.

The Brooklyn Historical Society is helping to curate a small exhibition about the Domino sugar factory, which will be permanently on display in the landmarked refinery building.

The Artifact Walk will be located on an elevated catwalk created out of salvaged rail tracks that will run along the side of the 505-foot-long sugar warehouse. At each end will be two salvaged 80-foot-long gantry cranes, which were used to unload boats carrying the unrefined sugar. Salvaged artifacts include dials, meters, valves, tanks and bucket elevators. The park will have a play area for children.

A Two Trees executive estimated the firm is spending more than $10 million salvaging artifacts from the site. But Two Trees expects it will increase the value of the development. “The more this place is desirable as an attraction, the more intriguing the history seems, the more we’ll be able to rent [the apartments] for,” he said.

What do you think of the plans?

Salvage operation at Domino Sugar factory tops $10M as developers look to rescue industrial artifacts [NY Daily News]

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