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  1. Can we contact Scott and complain?

    Frankly it’s ridiculous to “welcome” the team to Brooklyn like that right now. Tasteless really and a bad PR move. They are the NJ Nets and will be for quite some time. If I lived in New Jersey and cared, I would complain about this. 🙂

  2. Too often, I see a random facebook “friend” on the street and try to avoid them. Maybe it’s just me being a jerk, but I get the feeling it is a pretty common occurrence. I won’t be investing in Facebook (though maybe money can be made short-term?)

  3. STARGAZER – I’m sure if it were Mitt Romeny or Paul Ryan, or Newt Gingrich or name your favorite Republican, you would be singing a different tune.

    um, hate to burst your bubble, but, ummm, no!! I couldn’t give a rats ass.

    Clinton was my favorite, and think about Monica….I don’t care what he did, my stocks were soaring……