Friday Links
Red Hook. Photo by electrofork. Haberman: The Frustrations of Weekend Subway Riding [NY Times] Phony Allocations by City Council Reported [NY Times] More Bailouts Could Follow Bear Stearns [NY Sun] The City Has a ‘Community Affairs Czar’? [NY Daily News] Gearing Up for the Brooklyn Flea [Reclaimed Home]
Red Hook. Photo by electrofork.
Haberman: The Frustrations of Weekend Subway Riding [NY Times]
Phony Allocations by City Council Reported [NY Times]
More Bailouts Could Follow Bear Stearns [NY Sun]
The City Has a ‘Community Affairs Czar’? [NY Daily News]
Gearing Up for the Brooklyn Flea [Reclaimed Home]
is it only me?? for some strange reason i cant get “PISS Here” out of my head whenever see the above pic.
No. 9:59, that’s “jumping the broom”, a tradition dating from slavery where couples would jump across a broom placed on the floor, symbolizing crossing from being single to married life. The basic idea probably dates back to a West African tradition.
You Tube it, 10:49.
“81% in Poll Say Nation Is Headed on the Wrong Track”
I was reading that this morning and thought of you, The What. You are the only realistic commenter on this blog. You excaggerate a bit but who doesn’t. But the points you’ve been making are spot on. The chickens are coming home.
The Fed’s “justification” for bailing out Bear Stearns came straight out of a bull’s ass. There’s nothing like the free market to work out economic kinks. Unfortunately they want to fool with nature and delay the inevitable fallout.
happy days?
whats that?
The series “Happy Days” ratings was going down the drain (like this Blog), so they had The Fonz to jump a shark. They thought ratings would go back up but, the show was cancelled a few years later.
BTW This is the end of the road for The What. This Blog has turned to crap and don’t be surprised Brownstoner do something controversial to get the traffic back up.
The interest in Real Estate matters is coming to an end. Look at the poll at NY Times
81% in Poll Say Nation Is Headed on the Wrong Track
80,000 Jobs Cut in March; Unemployment Rate Rises
Now for the money shot: “Sharp downturns in the manufacturing and construction sectors led the decline, the biggest in five years.”
Five years ago? That was the start of this Mutant Real Estate Bubble!
Yep, everything is OK. It’s all contained!
The What
Someday this war is gonna end…
jump the shark?
what kind of dumbass phrase is that
Isn’t that the thing that some black people do at weddings?
Those are the best key lime pies around. Yeah, what does jump the shark mean? don’t make me research it . . .