A reader dropped a line to say that “on the corner of Clinton and Degraw there is massive scaffolding up around what had looked to be an abandoned brownstone. It was oddly out of place in the well-kept area with broken windows and no obvious maintenance. Good news that it looks like they are finally going to fix it up.” The building in question is 370 Clinton Street, whose owner sold a half interest in the property over the summer.
Half-Stake in 370 Clinton Sells—For Half the Listing Price [Brownstoner]
House of the Day: 370 Clinton Street [Brownstoner] GMAP

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  1. I love the house on DeGraw and Henry, Carol! I can hardly believe what it used to look like and wished I owned it now as a single family. I also hope they do the church condos well – like the well-done condos at the Arches – because some of the church conversions I’ve seen are terrible (such as those on Clinton and First Place).

  2. When they finally finish up the church condos and this house it will finally be beautiful and so much more quiet around here. (At least the one on Degraw and Henry is done. And a great job they did!)

  3. “if you want to see a really ugly example, go to henry street between carroll and president. on the west side of the street”

    I can’t visualize the house. I’ll check it out next time I’m down there. I don’t have a problem with Norah’s side windows, per se; I just think 10 is going to be too many for that wall.

  4. went to sleep early but feeling kinda crappy still today. whatever is happening has moved to my lungs. blergh! glad to hear you all had fun 🙂

    btw. re: windowgate, i’ve been looking and a lot of buildings have windows on the exposed side wall. probably more don’t than do, but still enough to think that it shouldn’t look THAT out of place. i mean, if you want to see a really ugly example, go to henry street between carroll and president. on the west side of the street, there is a side wall with these awful hideous fakey bay window things sticking out. it is so ugly that it’s almost funny. almost. but not.

  5. The new owner totally gutted the building, and then the economy tanked. The owner then tried to sell the gutted house, complete with floor plans for an incredible single family house. After eventually selling a half-interest in the house, renovations began again, and they’ve been working on it steadily for many months now.