logoWhen one hears of national chain stores storming the gates of old-world neighborhoods one (or at least we) tend to think that the charge is being led by outsiders who couldn’t give a damn about destroying the fabric or feel of the area. So we were a little suprised to learn that the latest nabe-wrecker of the week, the franchisee behind two soon-to-be-open Dunkin’ Donuts stores in Carroll Gardens, actually grew up there! “We believe that there will be a great demand for it, in spite of a few disgruntled neighbors,” says Ungaro, who now lives on Staten Island. Unfortunately that may be the case. Ungaro points to the special-order granite countertops and cherry wood paneling he’s using in these locations to make an effort to fit in with the brownstone aesthetic. We’ll reserve judgment until we see the signage.
A Circular Debate [NY Daily News]
Change Squeezing the Little Guy [Brownstoner]

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  1. I think we should picket. Perhaps only if people really frequent the place. Half the reason I moved to Brooklyn was the charm. If these chains run amuck here it might as well be Minneapolis.

  2. There’s NO community-connection, when the owner — that’s a ‘suburban runaway’ seeks to capitalize on the strength of what residents made with franchises. We see this plenty, from 30-60 yr. olds that sell their parents’ home for the highest the market will bear — despite 0 investment, and hardly any visitation. It’s a sad fact and adds nothing. As a resident myself, I will never step foot inside.

  3. I loved Leonardo’s pizza and was supremely bummed out to see the DD sign go up. But at least it’s not 24 hours (which i’ve heard the one on smith will be) and the sign is slightly less offensive that the monstrosity in park slope. that awning! ugh!

  4. Something that someone mentioned to me the other day- The internets have made storefront betting parlors (most of the east side of Court between 1st and Carrol) obsolete- that is one reason these stores are “turning over a new leaf”.