Cuomo Lawyer Shot In Head Carey GabayCarey Gabay. Photo via NYS Office of the Governor

In the early hours of Monday’s West Indian Day Parade, a volley of gunfire injured Cuomo administration lawyer Carey Gabay. The 43-year-old Harvard graduate and First Deputy Counsel for the Empire State Development Corporation was shot in the head by a passing bullet and remains in critical condition.

Gabay had been celebrating J’Ouvert with his family. He was shot around 3:40 a.m. near the corner of Bedford Avenue and Sullivan Place, according to the New York Times.

Gabay’s tragic shooting comes just days after the death of another innocent in Brooklyn.

Beloved local and the owner of a recently opened Prospect Lefferts Gardens cafe, Rickie Young was murdered across the street from where he was brought up, according to the Q at Parkside. Young drove himself to Kings County Hospital Center at 5 a.m. on Friday, with gunshot wounds to his shoulder and jaw, Gothamist reported. Despite doctor’s attempts to save him, he died from his wounds.

Cuomo Lawyer Shot In Head Carey GabayRickie Young. Photo from Facebook, via Gothamist

Despite the NYPD proclaiming this summer to be New York’s safest on records, meaningless violence clearly still persists in Brooklyn. What can be done to prevent these senseless deaths without punishing everyone for the bloodshed wrought be a few bad actors?

Cuomo Administration Lawyer Is Shot in Head Before West Indian Day Parade [NYT]
Owner of New Prospect Lefferts Gardens Cafe Fatally Shot [Gothamist]
Shooting. Plus Reality Check on Shootings [Q Parkside]
Brooklyn Crime Coverage [Brownstoner]

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  1. Does it ever dawn on the PC-ers that the end of stop & frisk has affected the very neighborhoods where shootings/stabbings/muggings are UP? And then our esteemed mayor proclaims, no big deal, crime is actually down…the only people who are shooting each other are the gangs.

    I just love limousine liberals, especially those who live in the newly gentrified communities, but would never send their children to the schools, or walk into the local bodegas.

  2. Does it ever dawn on the PC-ers that the end of stop & frisk has affected the very neighborhoods where shootings/stabbings/muggings are UP? And then our esteemed mayor proclaims, no big deal, crime is actually down…the only people who are shooting each other are the gangs.

    I just love limousine liberals, especially those who live in the newly gentrified communities, but would never send their children to the schools, or walk into the local bodegas.

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