Not in my back river? Some Brooklyn Heights residents are complaining about noise from the Downtown Manhattan heliport, says an article in the Post, and they’re less than thrilled about plans to allow dozens more sightseeing flights to take off from the facility every day. The Brooklyn Heights Association wants helicopter tours completely banned: “What we have now is best described as a free-for-all of helicopters criss-crossing over Brooklyn Heights, at distances no greater than a few hundred feet,” the group wrote in a letter to the EDC. A neighborhood resident says he no longer uses his balcony because the helicopter noise means “even nose-to-nose conversation is impossible.” The Post had a similar story about helicopter noise this summer in which residents said the din has become worse recently. Any Heights or Dumbo residents care to comment on how big a quality-of-life issue this is?
B’klyn Hts is Chopping Mad [NY Post]
Photo by nautical2k.

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  1. almost all the news helicopters are based in NJ(near Linden) so taxing the fuel is a non issue. Most of the noise you hear is NOT from Sightseeing helicopters but corporate ones. Sometimes they line up over Brooklyn Heights to land and hoover causing the noise problem….before you complain about the type of helicopter look first.


    here is a place to file complaints along of course with the FAA


  2. “there was one flying around brooklyn heights this morning that almost put me in a rage”

    bodhi, I’m terribly sorry. That was my chopper you saw this morning. But how else am I to get from Brooklyn Heights to midtown?

  3. I dont care if its a news copter or a copter full of Japanese-Spaniards – its abuse – this is not south central EL LAY – its a car crash for christ sakes – just a sad event made worse with overhead brown noise! Manhattan is so over – who even lives there anymore -ugh HOW COMMON!

  4. I honestly think the BHA has a chance of getting something done here. It’s gotten especially bad in the last year. Can’t the news people get a “pool” chopper? And aren’t we done with the helicopter tours?

  5. It isn’t the tourist copters that are annoying — it is the police and traffic copters hovering over the BQE and the bridges for hours.

    No choppers before 7:30 would be fine with me.

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