The seemingly never-ending construction on Columbia Street continues to seem never-ending. The finish line is finally maybe in sight, though: A city construction worker manning the repaving of the street says they’re hoping to have the stretch completed by this summer, and after that work’s going to begin on side streets (this is already happening between Degraw and the water). From the looks of it, progress has been made since we last checked in on the thoroughfare this summer. The work on the west side of the street appears complete, so all that’s left is the reconstruction of east side from around Congress to Degraw. The revamp is crazy overdue. The multi-million dollar, city-helmed project, which was supposed to be complete this fall, has been a hardship for the strip’s many mom-and-pops for far too long.
Columbia Street Revamp: Potholes in My Lawn [Brownstoner]
Columbia Street Faces Fading Prospects [Brownstoner]

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. Anyone know if anyhting else is going to be built west of Columbia Street. I heard at one point a small park was going in one of the old parking lots. Or is this the Shipping Company’s land, the one that just got the lease renewal. Seems ashamed if all we get is 6 blocks of a bike bath.

  2. At least 95% of the posts on this site are from people who’re logged in as “guest”. This means that someone reading the comments on this site will be reading almost everything in faded type. Now, I understand why the faded type is used for “guests”. However, in my opinion it’s not worth it.

    The faded type is clearly legible, but over the long haul it is more fatigue-inducing than regular, darker type. So, Mr. B, do you really want to condemn your readership to slogging through so much faded type?

    Just a thought. Again, I do understand why the faded type was introduced. I just don’t think it’s worth it. You’re shooting yourself in the foot (and inducing eyestrain in your readers) as things currently stand.

  3. Kent Avenue was like this forever – the silver lining is that once the concrete is down and you are bumping over the raised manhole covers, actual pavement is not far off. But I was there on Sunday, and the east side still has excavation going on, so still a ways to go.

  4. The seemingly never-ending construction on Columbia Street continues to seem never-ending.

    The “seemingly never-ending construction” “seem(s) never-ending.” I guess it seems that way, huh?

  5. Does anyone know if that tiny strip of asphalt on the west side of the sidewalk is part of the new greenway? I thought it was suppose to be a lot wider.