Pardon Me For Asking dug up this old map of the Brooklyn waterfront. Of particular interest to us was the existence of an area called Yellow Hook to the south of what was, and is still, known as Red Hook.
Very, Very Old Map of Carroll Gardens and Red Hook [PMFA]

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  1. Thanks, Traditionalmod. Someof those places we havnt tried yet. Re the first one you tried, sounds like Dumont. The prices have gone up and the chef is now at Rye, so sadly it’s not as incredible as it used to be.

  2. We haven’t even made a dent in checking out the restaurants in Williamsburg but loved every place we’ve tried, nothing’s been bad. So far we’ve gone to Pies n Thighs, Fada, Sweetwater, Marlow and Sons, Rye, Zenkichi. Also, we haven’t been able to figure out which restaurant we stumbled onto years ago there with some friends but it was the first Williamsburg restaurant we tried and it was amazing. I remember it was in a more isolated area and I think in its own older building. Large covered outdoor seating area. Expensive. Anybody know what it might be?

  3. Definitely there should be more ROTD’s in Bay Ridge. Featuring Mr. Wonton baffles me when there are so many real restaurants not mere chinese takeout in Bay Ridge and elsewhere. It’s like the site is making the statement every restaurant in Park Slope is worth serious consideration. When not really. We really like Areo in Bay Ridge. The food is great and we enjoy watching the older, wealthy Italian men to whom the waiters speak Italian and pay a great deal of respect. I’ll let you speculate who and what they are. I would also suggest more ROTD’s in Williamsburg. Every restaurant we try there is really good and often have unique concepts.

  4. Some really good choices here for restaurants in Bay Ridge!

    I haven’t tried Grand Sichuan, but I will now. Thanks Italiana.
    And my mouth is watering for a slice of Nino’s Grandma right NOW!

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