There’s a new thread over on Brooklynian from someone thinking of joining the Bed Stuy YMCA and soliciting feedback. What do you think of it?
Photo from the Bed Stuy Blog

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  1. Thanks for your comments about the Bed-Stuy Y (I’m the commenter from the Brooklynian board). For those of you who were offended by my comment, I get where you’re coming from, but I didn’t mean my comment about cleanliness and safety in any derogatory way. I’ve belonged to Y’s in the past and had my locker broken into and all my things stolen at a Y in another city a few years ago, so that is why I asked. We’re cool, Brooklyn.

  2. I was a member for a few years and finally it just wore me out. it is nice physically, but tiny and badly laid out. the staff at the front desk are rude and ignore you until you are forced to say excuse me pretty loudly, at which point they give you attitude. As a woman it was also unpleasant to have such a small stretching area (TINY) and have the weightlifters openly staring when you’re trying to stretch. not fun. I wanted to like it and I put in my time, but I just felt like it’s hard enough to exercise and I was ending up dreading it for a host of other reasons…
    But, to reiterate, I think they did a nice job cleaning it up and it is clean.

  3. planet fitness at $10 sounds great, but sounds further even than the Y for me at least.
    Maybe we can get mr. B to do a poll about who would go to a gym, say… at the absolute on myrtle for example.

  4. Over 20 years ago, I checked out the pool in the Y on 9th St. in sainted Park Slope; it had the ambiance of a freshly flooded old subway station (mossy tile, grotty corners) and enough chlorine to burn your corneas out to counteract the Swim Diaper crowds. (For those of you who have never taken your offspring to toddler swim classes, this is an absorbent garment worn to permit adults the delusion that a pool full of 40 babies is not, in fact, Lake Urine.) I think I saw a report that it has since been renovated, but I never went back, and it certainly corrected my stereotype of “so-called good neighborhood = good Y.”

  5. MM you are so right. This place is a gem and I certainly hope that it is not ruined by people asking such insulting questions. If you are afraid than go to Manhattan or Brooklyn Heights! We at the Bed-Stuy Y don’t want or need you here.

  6. The new Planet Fitness in downtown Brooklyn will only be $10/month. I previously belonged to a Planet Fitness in Westchester and while it only has basic equipment (plenty of treadmills, etc but no pool or classes), it’s clean and cheap.

  7. I use the Bedford Y every week and I have to say it is one of the cleanest gyms I have been to in NYC. I have to say they do need to expand they are very busy due to it being the only gym for area that covers over 200,000 people. Bedford Y has been at this location for over 90 years but has recently been re-done with a nice pool and basketball court. I would like for them to add more room but other than that this place is great. Maybe one day the 13th Amory could turn into a Stuyvesant YMCA to relieve the crowd at Bedford…. I can always dream.