It’s practically free! Go out and drive around in circles! The NY Daily News reported today that the cheapest gas in the city is right here in the borough of Kings. “Brooklyn had the lowest gas prices in the city for 17 out of the 30 days from mid-October to mid-November, even though the average prices from Aug. 18 to Nov. 18 were the same in Brooklyn and Queens: $3.38 per gallon,” they write. Last week, you could catch a gallon for $2.19 in Williamsburg.
Photo by peechaspeechas.

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  1. Biff, I have a question. I noticed in most, if not all of your posts, you blame the consumer for high gas comsuption – bigger vehicles, bigger homes, etc. I get that. But you didn’t address people who have to drive. People who live in middle America who don’t have access to mass transit or carpools. Charities who MUST transport their people to doctors appointments, family gatherings, whatever. Trucking companies who transport goods we all need – food, medicine, clothes… Surely, you’re not blaming these people too??

  2. Show me the way
    To the next little girl
    Oh, don’t ask why
    Oh, don’t ask why

    For if we don’t find
    The next little girl
    I tell you we must die
    I tell you we must die
    I tell you, I tell you
    I tell you we must die

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