The Department of Sanitation is running an experiment this fall involving trash can placement on Franklin Avenue at Sterling Place, according to an email and online post from the Crow Hill Community Association. Sanitation has removed all the trash baskets from this corner of Franklin during the first phase of the experiment, which will last until October 25.  In the next phase, there will be two trash baskets, and in the third phase, there will be four.

“This is a controversial topic,” said the association. “Some believe that more trash baskets bring more trash; others believe that we need more trash baskets to handle all the activity along Franklin Avenue.”

So they’re conducting a test to see which approach results in the cleanest streets. Crown Heights residents who spend time on Franklin between Sterling and Park Place can record their observations on litter during the test period in this online form.

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  1. This should be interesting. Are they out every hour monitoring how much trash ends up on the sidewalk? Are they going to account for store-owners taking up their slack and going out periodically to clean the sidewalks? There’s a certain type that just throw trash on the ground regardless. If Bloomberg wants to increase ticket revenues, start citing these people. I see it on a regular basis, so shouldn’t be hard.