Tenants at Homewood Gardens Estates in East Flatbush claim their landlord is trying to push them out in favor of white tenants willing to pay higher rents, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court. The suit alleges that landlords Yeshaya Wasserman, Shay Wasserman and Yitzchok Rambod ignored repair requests, forced evictions and offered cash buyouts, the New York Post reported. The East Flatbush residents also say the landlords consistently refuse to make repairs for black tenants, fail to cash rent checks and delay the delivery of front door keys.

“In contrast, white tenants move into renovated apartments, their rent checks are cashed, they receive monthly rent statements and they are not subject to harassment,” the suit states, according to the Post.

The lawsuit also claims black residents have seen their rents double, while white tenants have seen minimal rent increases at lease renewal time. Wasserman and his partners bought the buildings on Brooklyn Avenue and Hawthorne Street in 2009. The state’s Tenant Protect Unit has been investigating Wasserman since last fall, when it subpoenaed documents from all eight of his properties in Brooklyn.

Brooklyn Landlords Pushing Black Tenants out for Whites: Suit [NY Post]
Closing Bell: State Investigates Crown Heights, Flatbush Landlord for Tenant Abuse [Brownstoner]

Image via Google Maps

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  1. Race likely has little to nothing to do with the tactics, the “poor black people” just happen to be the ones paying way less than they should based on an antiquated housing system and its rules.

  2. I have no idea whether the tenant’s complaint has any merit but the Post describes it as gentrifying which is pretty vague term and certainly not one I would use to describe block bordering KingsCounty Hospital….and then includes photo of some brownstone block which is far cry from apartment complex that exists at the site.
    Very misleading and sensationalist journalism.

  3. you sound very bitter in life. Hope you are not blaming it on having grown up in public housing.
    Sad again that you feel need to stereotype and paint group with wide brush — ‘knee jerk liberal’.
    Perhaps you should deal with an individual and not try to pigeonhole them.

  4. Who is whining and playing ‘victim’ now? I certainly don’t hear anyone yelling and screaming. You are only one with the all caps ‘BORING’. Act like a troll and people call you out on it and then cry everybody is against me.

  5. I suppose you could be considered the equivalent and perhaps it is you who should grow up and grow a pair yourself. You generalize and stereotype ‘poor black folk’ by saying ‘always playing the victim’ based on behavior of ‘some’. Easier to go around thinking better of yourself when you paint whole group of people the same.