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It’s that time of year when Brooklynites can decide how their tax dollars will be spent by attending participatory budgeting meetings on transit, parks, arts and education. Councilmember Brad Lander’s office has organized five meetings between now and the end of the month, to which anyone can come and suggest projects that deserve funding in the 39th Council District. (Here’s a map of the district, which encompasses Columbia Street Waterfront, Park Slope, Cobble Hill, Gowanus, Park Slope, Kensington, Ditmas Park, Carroll Gardens, Prospect Park, Windsor Terrace and Borough Park.)

Projects funded by the last round of budgeting included laptop carts for elementary school students, street safety improvements on 4th Avenue, a green roof at the Windsor Terrace Library (pictured) and an outdoor plaza at the John Jay Educational Campus in Park Slope. Click through to see the schedule and how to RSVP.

Here’s the schedule of meetings, which will run from 6:30 to 8:30:

Streets and Transit:
Tuesday, October 14 at the NYC Transit Museum (Boerum Place & Schermerhorn Street)
RSVP here

Kensington Neighborhood Assembly:
Thursday, October 16 at PS230 (1 Albemarle Road)

Parks and Environment:
Monday, October 20 at the Picnic House in Prospect Park (95 Prospect Park West)
RSVP here

Arts, Community and Culture:
Wednesday, October 22 at ReelWorks (540 President Street, #2F in Gowanus)
RSVP here

Public Education:
Monday, October 27 at P.S. 154 (1625 11th Avenue in Windsor Terrace)
RSVP here

Photo by Jim Henderson

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