Closing Bell: NY Observer Bids Addio to Montrose Morris
We have to admit, we cried when we read this. Thanks, Matt. We’re going to miss her too. Goodbye Montrose Morris, Brooklyn Will Not Be the Same Without You [NY Observer] Photo by camera_eyes

We have to admit, we cried when we read this. Thanks, Matt. We’re going to miss her too.
Goodbye Montrose Morris, Brooklyn Will Not Be the Same Without You [NY Observer]
Photo by camera_eyes
Those people who have followed MM for years and the many discussions know that she was my landlord and affectionately called “the Great EVLL- by me of course. I (unsurprisingly) was known as “the sainted tenant. So it’s one o f life’s great ironies that MM and i will be switching roles in Troy and I have invested in a lovely Snidely Whiplash cape and moustache. I intend to stand over her forcing her to type until her fingers bleed and she produces her book 🙂 You can take the girl out of Brooklyn, but not Brooklyn out of the girl. Life will be a little slower, a little easier, a little prettier. But Brooklyn gets in your bones and MM will be taking those with her.
Montrose — darling! — take this review, yesterday’s column, and a few of your good posts and get yourself a book contract! NOP
I’ll be sorely disappointed in myself if I don’t make that list! I take great pride in doing things right. ;-D
NOP- MM and I have switched roles. I will now become the Great EVLL (as in evile landlord, with a twisty moustache) and MM will become the Sainted Tenant. 🙂 I did buy the house (with a great deal of help from my brother, sister and brother in law (all saints in my book). I’d wanted to get out of NYC for awhile. Too hard to live and in all honesty, I am so involved in the 9/11 community that I really needed to put space between me and 9/11. I’ve got medical issues and things were overwhelming me- even after all this time. But Brooklyn will always be in my heart (alongside the Bronx, of course) and both of us will be back often. But G-d knows, I miss Brooklyn and Crown Heights terribly.
NOP- MM and I have switched roles. I will now become the Great EVLL (as in evile landlord, with a twisty moustache) and MM will become the Sainted Tenant. 🙂 I did buy the house (with a great deal of help from my brother, sister and brother in law (all saints in my book). I’d wanted to get out of NYC for awhile. Too hard to live and in all honesty, I am so involved in the 9/11 community that I really needed to put space between me and 9/11. I’ve got medical issues and things were overwhelming me- even after all this time. But Brooklyn will always be in my heart (alongside the Bronx, of course) and both of us will be back often. But G-d knows, I miss Brooklyn and Crown Heights terribly.
You’re preaching to the converted here, expert. And I can easily set up a site for her.
You’re preaching to the converted here, expert. And I can easily set up a site for her.
Keep nagging her (I do, every day about that damn book!)
Troy, NY