Here’s a short video produced by

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  1. So shopping for vintage clothes at flea markets is something fresh and surprising? I was doing it 25 years ago in high school. I don’t get the news angle here.

    It’s really hilarious to me that none of the outfits are the slightest bit special or unique. (Except the nightgown which I do like). The dress from Rome and the dress from the Marais could have come from a mall in Jersey for all we know looking at them.

  2. What? They’re not going to show us their underwear and tell us where they bought it? Lift those skirts!

    Sorry, I am actually a feminist in drag. I felt compelled to write something as crude as what I just watched.

  3. Women like this are only beautiful until they start talking.

    The faux Euro accent on the first one made me puke in my mouth a little. I wonder where in Long Island she’s from.