The folks at BookCourt let us check out the progress on their store expansion, which is expected to be finished sometime in February. The new space, which is in the back of the existing shop, is going to have a coffee bar underneath a large skylight (see pic on jump). Nice to see an indie bookstore getting bigger and better while others drop like flies, no? GMAP


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  1. i would say that the staff, selection, etc. has improved over the years (many years) and this expansion seems to be led on by proxy of those improvements! i mean, this store has stood ground again the wall-mart of books just two blocks away! how many independent bookstores can pull that off? tehy are doing something right.

  2. The area where the expansion is going was indeed the greenhouse of the old-time florist Fitzsimmons & Rooney. The last Rooney was Congressman Rooney (eventually replaced by Liz Holtzman), who had held office so long that the neighborhood joke in 1972 was that Congress Street was named for him.
    And indeed, it is a totally independent bookstore, with truly helpful help and an eccentric stock. Good people.

  3. The area where the expansion is going was indeed the greenhouse of the old-time florist Fitzsimmons & Rooney. The last Rooney was Congressman Rooney, eventually replaced by Liz Holtzman, who had held office so long that the neighborhood joke in 1972 was that Congress Street was named for him.
    And indeed, it is a totally independent bookstore, with truly helpful help and an eccentric stock. Good people.

  4. 6:41, you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about or perhaps you’re thinking of some other bookstore. I’ve been patronizing BookCourt since they opened, and the shop is not…and never was…what you say it is. I have always enjoyed BookCourt’s expert and well-edited selection of books and admired the staff’s knowledge. Sorry, but you’re very wrong.

  5. I’d be more likely to shop there — in fact, I’d LIKE to shop there — if the staff didn’t come off as bunch of smug, arrogrant (yes, it’s redundant, but it needs to be stressed), unhelpful graduate students with a hope-for MFA as a butt plug.

    Someone should tell the owner that his or her staff have driven us online or elsewhere. Which is a shame.

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