alternate_side.jpgThe Department of Sanitation has agreed to reduce street cleaning days in Commuinty District 2, most notably Fort Greene and Clinton Hill. Other parts of the district, like Brooklyn Heights, already have street cleaning only once a week on each side. “As a general rule, the commercial streets will continue to have street cleaning six days a week and most of the residential streets will go down to once a week [on each side],” said District Manager Robert Perris. “We have brought this subject up a few times a year for the past several years and when [the Department of] Sanitation changed their operational schedule for CD6, we reiterated our prior requests, and have now received reduced frequency and reduced duration of street cleaning.” Councilwoman Letitia James told us about the change earlier this week. Some residents in her district previously had to move their cars four times a week. Sanitation spokeswoman Kathy Dawkins said the department agreed to the change because the district achieved a 90 percent cleanliness score for several years in a row. Perris said the affected streets will be announced at the June 11 monthly board meeting, and changes would happen this fall.

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  1. Uh, 6:54, page 19 of the report mentioned by zinka at 11:05 yesterday states that 60 parking spots were eliminated completely and another 130 are lost during rush hours. Of course, guest 5:19 pronounced the report “bogus,” so maybe your count of “literally four hundred spots” is correct.

  2. Isn’t “fucking” one of those words that should be blocked? If people would clean up outside their houses (including the street) once a week street cleaning should be sufficient. Those street cleaning trucks can be useless anyway.

  3. just get rid of your fucking air polluting cars then you won’t have to worry about getting towed and tickets. besides you drivers are shitty drivers. ride a bike it’s NYC for christ sakes not Kansas!

  4. 6:34, the issue is that the spaces aren’t marked off. So I’m the first person to re-park along an empty side of the street. I eyeball it, and I pretty much know where to park so that all the cars will fit, but then I’m off, and then someone else is a bit off, and then that person moves later in the day, etc. etc. Well, I’m not explaining it well, but I’ve often parked and left my car, having parked quite close to a car, but come back the next day or so, and in the re-shuffling of spaces, given the range of car sizes, it looks like I’m taking up two spaces. We can’t mark off spaces, though, because they’d have to accommodate SUVs and trucks, and that would net fewer spaces overall.

    Bleah, I’m not explaining it well, but the point is that it’s often neither callous nor intentional. Just looks that way after the fact.

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