We received this email this morning. Far be it from us to stand between our readers and a chance at fifteen minutes of fame:

I am producing a piece for Al Gore’s new cable channel Current TV (http://www.current.tv) on the present real estate boom and the consequences for folks 18- 34. I’m looking to profile a young couple looking to buy their first home in Brooklyn. Ideally the couple will be attending open houses next weekend (May 28/29) and would allow me to tag along with a camera. Also, the couple would have already bid on several places and have been out-bid. I’m also looking to profile a couple that has tried to enter the market (in Brooklyn) but found the price of entry too steep and has decided that for the time being it makes more sense to rent.

Interested parties can send an e-mail to Mary at realestatepiece@yahoo.com

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  1. reality tv show where 16 people locked in brownstone in bklyn heights compete with groups of 16 people locked in bronwstones in ft greene, cobble hill, carroll gardens, park slope, etc. they compete in renovation tasks using materials funded by viewers votes. al gore sits at an unknown location in manhattan with a giant gavel and judges which brownstone has gained more value. every so often a secret govt agency shows up and commits random damage to the buildings.

  2. how about a realty tv show, where 16 people locked in a brownstone compete in various competitions ( polishing the floors or sheet-rocking the walls or refinishing the doors, and someone gets eliminated each week.