
Remember the Carroll Gardens Atrocity? Here’s our first post on the subject, titled “CG Atrocity: There Goes the Neighborhood,” in April 2006. Back then we didn’t mince words:

Carroll Gardens better get off its ass and create some historic districts pronto. Here’s the poster child for the cause: The addition to this house at 3rd Place and Clinton Street, made all the worse by its corner location, has to be one of the greatest bastardizations of a beautiful old brownstone we’ve ever seen. May their condos languish on the market indefinitely. Do you think it would be possible to organize a buying strike against this place? Picket the open houses?

The actual addition turned out to be even worse than the rendering. Here’s what eventually happened to it, from our final post, in October 2012:

Perhaps you’ve been wondering whatever happened to the Carroll Gardens Atrocity, that unfortunate architectural collision at 45 3rd Place we called “the poster child for inconsiderate and non-contextual design in Brownstone Brooklyn.” Well, after lingering on the market for more than five years (first as separate units, then as one building), the entire thing finally sold for $2,440,000 in September, earning second place in our Last Week’s Biggest Sales post yesterday. Was there any discount for ugliness?There’s no way to know for sure. But we can tell you that the price per square foot was $660, vs. $741 for the neighborhood average for townhouses in the first half of 2012, the most recent period for which numbers are available, according to Brown Harris Stevens. (Market reports are due out tomorrow!) The original ask for the entire building was $2,995,000.

Of course, the comments were the best part, as always. On the first post, a few commenters defended the addition (“I knew that when the peep shows on 42nd street were being shut down it was the beginning of Communism,” said one) and there was a lively discussion about new vs. old and fake old in historic neighborhoods.

Carroll Gardens Atrocity Finally Sells [Brownstoner]
45 3rd Place Open House: Yuck! [Brownstoner] GMAP  P*Shark
14 Months Later, Still No Buyers for 45 3rd Place! [Brownstoner]
Condos of the Day: No Buyers for 45 3rd Place [Brownstoner]
A Current Look at 3rd Place Horror Show [Brownstoner]
Real Photos of Carroll Gardens Bastard [Brownstoner]
Carroll Gardens Bastardization Hits Market [Brownstoner]
CG Atrocity: There Goes the Neighborhood [Brownstoner]

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