fireworks-050509.jpgIn a move sure to please Jersey-ites and tick off Brooklyn residents, the city has announced that it will be putting on the Macy’s 4th of July fireworks extravaganza on the Hudson River this year. The reason given for the move? It’s the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s voyage on the river. We suspect that explanation won’t be enough to placates Brooklynites, who’ve been able to watch the ‘works from their rooftop and waterfront perches for the last eight years. This go-round, though, the 40,000 fireworks will be shot from six barges between 24th and 50th Streets on the west side, reports NY1.

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  1. this s*cks. say what you will about the burg, but we have great fireworks views. our condo complex has a ton of common roof deck space and july 4th is blast here. we can actually see fireworks usually in all directions because of unobstructed views, so hopefully they’ll still be something to see.

  2. ah okay liu, i wasnt sure what you meant. i was born in jersey city (grew up in north bergen). yeah i guess it is kind of strange that i never knew where the fireworks came from. i just assumed, nyc that was right across the river. hells i didnt even know there was an east river until i moved to nyc hahah


  3. Sorry Rob how common was not a reference to the NJ fireworks but rather not knowing were they were from (when you saw them). I grew up in Jersey City and the Liberty State Park Fireworks were amazing and they were all we had as we couldnt see the Macys – and now I find myself on the wrong side again. I just looked up cruises for the 4th -(I know how common!) There are actually $300+ pp cruises for the 4th of July – Christ!

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