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  1. Ask yourselves this?…What right do they have to attack our accents?..Well they do that to other people across the country?..If not lets sue them!.If you want to join me email me at coxe2004@swbell.net…I live in Dallas,Tx But no one could EVER take the BROOKLYN OUT OF ME.
    That’s where I was born and raised…I wouldn’t make fun of anyone’s accent or how they speak English..That’s pure discrimination to me..I
    am really insulted as well as millions of us Brooklynites that live throughout the USA..or even outside the USA…Howaboutit?.. Let’s shut their mouths up and show them that we all have rights!.

  2. not that I would defend Domino’s, whose food sucks as much as its politics, but they do say “fake” brooklyn acccent, which is what makes it funny. it would only be offensive if they said “to lose your brooklyn accent”. lighten up, guys.