Brooklyn Guitar School Getting New 4th Ave Digs
The Brooklyn Guitar School, which is currently located on the second floor of a 4th Avenue building between Pacific and Dean, is moving a couple blocks down, to 4th and St. Marks. The school’s new space will be an a building that (formerly?) housed industrial supply company at 81 4th Avenue, according to its website….
The Brooklyn Guitar School, which is currently located on the second floor of a 4th Avenue building between Pacific and Dean, is moving a couple blocks down, to 4th and St. Marks. The school’s new space will be an a building that (formerly?) housed industrial supply company at 81 4th Avenue, according to its website. GMAP
I saw the new school, and it looks great…it’s HUGE, with a ton of different classrooms!
They have moved already! The new space is so cool, they just couldn’t wait! Grand Opening/Holiday Party was this past Saturday night, and 50+ students and friends showed up despite the blizzard. They have a stage and performance space, and will also have yoga on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Great addition to the neighborhood!