Brooklyn Friends Relocation Gains Support
As we first reported in September, Brooklyn Friends School, a pre-K through 12 private school based on Quaker principles, has been looking to relocate and one site on their list is the corner of State and Hoyt, currently owned by the IBEC Building Corporation. IBEC had originally bought the site promising to build townhouses, back…
As we first reported in September, Brooklyn Friends School, a pre-K through 12 private school based on Quaker principles, has been looking to relocate and one site on their list is the corner of State and Hoyt, currently owned by the IBEC Building Corporation. IBEC had originally bought the site promising to build townhouses, back in 2004, and some residents, calling themselves Keep State Street Residential, have opposed Brooklyn Friends’ possible schoolhouse (which would be five stories and 55,000 square feet), arguing that it could lower property values and increase traffic to their carefully planned neighborhood. Now, the Brooklyn Eagle reports, hundreds of residents and businesses have signed a petition to support the school, arguing that a well-regarded private school would only attract families, increase property values, and benefit overall quality of life. Brooklyn Friends has said that they are considering multiple sites, and for the school to take the State/Hoyt site, IBEC would have to nullify the contract it signed with the city in 2004 to build 29 residential townhouses.
Friends’ Expansion Making Enemies on State? [Brownstoner]
Brooklyn Friends on State Street? [Brooklyn Eagle]
More nonsensical bloviating from a stealth activist with a giant chip on her multiple personalties. This was my first post and my last since this is clealy an excercise in mental masturbation.
Think you need to learn to read the papers and pay attention to what’s going on because that is what we have been doing, not whining like you elitists in BH do about every little (and I do mean little) thing. And FYI- I am very involved in community activism- of course people like you are too self involved to think anyone but yourselves does anything. Thank you soooo much for telling me posting on b’stoner is not community activism. Perhaps you should be taking your own advice.
Interesting if not tortured logic.
Maybe if you stopped whining and became active in a positive way you could influence bad urban planning like you have expereinced in CH. Posting on BS is not community activism. Residents of the community have every right to express their preferences for development as opposed to just roll over and take it when some developer wants to ring the register or some city agency wants to have their way without community input. It is always convenient to make it a class/ethnic argument when maybe it is as simple as residents of a community demanding sensible thoughtful development that is not shoved down our throats.
loafer- I have moved to crown heights and frankly, glad I did. Of course if you want to compare the number of city services dumped on Crown Heights as opposed to what there is in BH then you would see what a hill of beans you have as compared to the mountain we are dealing with here. Perhaps you would like to take the planned intake center the city now wishes to gift us with.
All in all, don’t we in Crown heights wish we had so little to whine about as you do. Oh gosh- a school built by Brooklyn Friends…or oh gosh- another city shelter/halfway house/intake center/drug treatment center/mental health clinic. Cause that’s what we’re looking at. Get real.
Get your facts straight and your tape measure fixed before you post. Schemerhorn and Hoyt is the other proposed site -next to the SRO that the school has been offered. They are concerned about the time to build not so much the cost. If you attended the meeting and did some homework you would know that this was stated by the BFS Headmaster. So noise and vibration is not a concern nor has it been disruptive to the people actually living in the SRO directly over the subway or for the people living in the new building behind the proposed scholl whcih is also over the subway.
We already havea detention center on Smith but I am sure if that ws proposed you would be in favor of that as well. Livingston is not being considered so why even bring it up.
loafer-only in certain parts it is. Livingston is much wider than both. and no- and please- not with the SRO fake argument.Try something with a little more substance if you want to make your argument. I do know something about construction and also about living over a subway. there’s noise and vibration. It’s a kids school, fer crissakes, not Guantanamo Bay Detention Center that they want to put up.
So you are okay with the SRO on Schermehorn being built over the subway but not the school? Poor people can live over the subway but rich kids at a private school should not. If you knew anything about construction you would know this is not an issue. For someone who claims to have lived in the area for some time you would certainly know that Schermehorn is nearly twice the width of State.
I wouldn’t want to see the school built over the subway. And I love the throwaway comment- “Its slightly more costly to build over the subway,”. I want to see how “slight” that cost will be. As for Schermerhorn being better able to handle traffic? I really need that one explained since both streets run right next to one another. And are both approximately the same width.
i was a student teacher at the bfs preschool many years ago and am happy to see that they are finally looking for a larger space. even back then [late 80s] it felt too confined.