Brooklyn Daily Investigates the Organic Christmas Tree
From Brooklyn Daily comes this surprising report that most Christmas trees are conventionally grown with synthetic fertilizer to promote fast growth and pesticides to prevent insect damage. But some growers, such as Vermont-based Adam Parke Trees, use organic methods. In addition to being easier on the environment, organically raised trees have another benefit: They last 50 percent…
From Brooklyn Daily comes this surprising report that most Christmas trees are conventionally grown with synthetic fertilizer to promote fast growth and pesticides to prevent insect damage. But some growers, such as Vermont-based Adam Parke Trees, use organic methods. In addition to being easier on the environment, organically raised trees have another benefit: They last 50 percent longer than the conventionally grown ones, according to Adam Parke, which sells trees in several locations in brownstone Brooklyn.
Oh Christmas Tree How Organic Are Your Branches? [Brooklyn Daily]
Photo by pamcrowley77
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