We’re in the ninth week of sheltering in place and the 35th day of home schooling for New York City schools.

Although deaths and hospitalizations are decreasing in New York City, the total number of deaths is over 19,000 — a substantial number compared to other states and even many other countries. Lawmakers and advisors are contemplating how New York City might gradually reopen over the summer, including, possibly schools in September. Innovations such as devices that buzz when employees get too close, and measures taken at La Guardia airport construction sites that have tamped down cases, are being explored.

The city is investigating dozens of potential cases of children who have a toxic shock-like illness that appears COVID related. Cuomo established new rules for nursing homes Sunday, where residents and workers have been devastated by the virus, to slow its spread.

Rents for stabilized apartments are likely to be frozen this year, a preliminary vote of the Rent Guidelines Board this past week shows. Landlords argued for an increase, tenants for a decrease, and the final vote happens June 17.

What are your thoughts, and how are you weathering the shutdown? What do you think should be done in Brooklyn to combat the spread of the virus and blunt the damage to local businesses and jobs? Please feel free to comment in a respectful manner (please, no personal attacks, nothing libelous). If you are not already logged in, go up to the top right hand side of the page and log in to be able to comment.

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