BB Park
An eagle-eyed reader tipped us off to these two posts–only a day apart–on Craiglist for the same house in Lefferts Garden. Fillmore (who has the keys to the house) has it listed at $699,000 and discloses in the ad that it needs at least $300,000 of work. Another broker has it listed for $899,000 and tells interested parties that they must RSVP to him/her–which as we all know locks you in to dealing with that broker. If anyone knows who this “Plazasites” person is, we’re dying to know.
Fillmore for $699K [Craigslist]
Plazasites for $899K [Craigslist]

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  1. There is not “one” owner to this property. There are 3-4 investors selling this property together. This is an open listing with several brokerages in Brooklyn. Believe me the owner that the agent below spoke to, is not THE owner, it’s just one of them. Investors are notorious for “listing” their property with several brokers, for different prices. It is a pain but that is the case here. So do not discredit another brokerage if you don’t know all the details. Please do not assume that your listing IS YOURS unless you have signed documents, don’t be surprised that another owner gave another broker a better deal at a better price. Only a “green” agent would be so believing of an open listing from an investor.

  2. ok.. she emailed me back with this info …

    “”I saw the owners today. They do not know about filmore. The filmore ad is incorrect and grossly misleading. Do the math on the filmore ad and you will see that the asking does not make any sense.

    thanks again for bringing this to our attention.

    best. “””

  3. he or she emailed me back after i sent them both postings and said ..

    Thank you for your eagle eyes. I will show it to the owner for verification. The asking price quoted in my posting is per the owner.

    there gonna let me know . i’ll keep you guys posted

  4. ok . they emailed back here’s the response

    “i dont know what you are talking about. i know the owner personally. been to the property with the owner many times. i think you are mistaken re the property. probably a different one. they do have similar characteristics. Some do look alike. who are you? a broker? ”

  5. For the record as a buyer, you have no obligation to work with any particular broker (even if you’ve seen the house with that broker)…there is no contract or law that prevents you from putting your bid in with another broker and I’m sure the other broker won’t refuse you if you have a high enough bid. No broker has any claim on a buyer whatsoever, whatever otherwise they may think.