Little Zelda's and Hullabaloo Books Owner Opens Hair Salon in Crown Heights
The owner of Little Zelda’s, Wedge cheese shop and Hullabaloo Books on Franklin Avenue is expanding eastward with the opening of a boutique hair salon, Deck, at 755 Nostrand Avenue in Crown Heights. Michael de Zayas leased the two storefronts that used to be Beauty World on the corner of St. Johns Place, and the…

The owner of Little Zelda’s, Wedge cheese shop and Hullabaloo Books on Franklin Avenue is expanding eastward with the opening of a boutique hair salon, Deck, at 755 Nostrand Avenue in Crown Heights. Michael de Zayas leased the two storefronts that used to be Beauty World on the corner of St. Johns Place, and the hair salon occupies the smaller one.
Women’s cuts cost $65, and men’s are $45. You can check out all the prices and services on Deck’s website. In the larger space on the corner, de Zayas plans a bar and cafe that will open in September. GMAP
Deck is actually a verb meaning to decorate or adorn. That’s the reference. We adorn your hair! Also, I am the owner (along with the folks behind Little Zelda etc) and am running the salon. I’m so excited to be bringing my craft and style to my own neighborhood! I love living in crown heights and now love working here as well.
Hullaballoo Books is a cute little shop–went to a relatively fun event there where everyone else was young and vaguely interesting. Mr. De Zayas sure is ambitious with four small businesses in operation. Golly.
Is “Deck” in reference to the hipster adjective one heard more frequently back in the early 00’s? As in, “That 7-UP t-shirt is so deck?” or “These pickles are way deck?”