Bad News Burg: NYC's Dirty Bomb
The Daily News today highlights the serious safety risk posed by the hazardous chemical and radioactive waste being stored on the Williamsburg waterfront. The site, owned and operated by Radiac Research Corp., is located on Kent Avenue, a block from P.S. 84. Chuck Schumer calls it “New York City’s dirty bomb” and residents complain of…
The Daily News today highlights the serious safety risk posed by the hazardous chemical and radioactive waste being stored on the Williamsburg waterfront. The site, owned and operated by Radiac Research Corp., is located on Kent Avenue, a block from P.S. 84. Chuck Schumer calls it “New York City’s dirty bomb” and residents complain of the non-existent security around the facilities. Community group Neighbors Against Garbage recently filed a petition with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which will decide next month whether to renew Radiac’s permit to operate the site.
Comment: $#%@!
Waste Facility Has to Go [NY Daily News]
Smiley aside, Anonymous, much of the waste Radiac stores (70%?) is from OUT OF STATE. So yeah, if Kentuckians want to go to the hospital, we’re here to store their waste.
And Anonymous #2 – the city has taken environmental remediation very seriously. That’s why they have upzoned the neighborhood so heavily, to compensate developers for their envirionmental remediation. The N 12th site is actually zoned R7 to take into account the s%&t that’s in the ground there. Without massive upzoning, these areas would never be cleaned up.
🙂 (my turn…)
Hey, you want to go to a hospital? Their radioactive waste has to go somewhere. Isn’t it “fairer” than dumping on it another community. We need more radioactive waste, that’s the only way we’ll stop global warming (nuclear power plants = zero emmissions)… so get used to it!
Related topic — With the development of the waterfront, nobody has even brought up the fact about the land being so toxic and polluted either…. the larger-then-Exxon-Valdez oil spill in Greenpoint, that empty lot on Bedford and N12th that used to be the site where they produced ink for currency, which has seeped into the ground… too many to count!! You’ll need more than your Brita people.