arenabagels0707b.jpgAccording to the tipster who sent in the top photo, the bagel store at 55 5th Avenue in Park Slope, which was initially to be named Arena Bagels before the Ratnerian associations began eliciting snarls from passersby during construction, is scheduled to open today under the new name A.R.E.A. Bagels and Bialys. (Evidently Brooklyn Slim’s, which the owner originally told The Brooklyn Paper he might use, didn’t make the cut). As for the periods in the name, your guess is as good as ours. The bigger question, however, will be how this place will do against Bergen Bagels. What do you think?
Battle Over Arena … Bagels! [Brooklyn Paper] GMAP
Park Slope: Bagels, Bialys And Raspberries [NY Times]

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. Am I the only one here who actually likes Bergen Bagels? On the weekend, six slices worth of toast is a fine breakfast.

    For that matter, am I the only one who likes living in Park Slope and thinks most people airing their petty grievances on this site should find a problem worth complaining about?

  2. we need an h&h in park slope.

    they’d clean up.

    i say citarella should take over the key food on 7th avenue and h&h can take over where that crappy new elementi italian joint is.

  3. la bagel delight on court and schermerhorn is gooood. they have whole wheat everything bagels that kick serious butt.

  4. don’t mess with my bagels boy… arghhhh… put up your dukes… dem’s fighting words!
    we all had better worry about pipes exploding under our collective arses here in Brooklyn, rather than AY effect! 🙂

  5. I went in this morning- they have egg bagels, bialys, and many flavors of bagel, as well as spreads like whitefish salad. I got an everything bagel w/cream cheese and tomato, but since all bagels are the same to me, I can’t tell you whether it’s better than Bergen Bagels or not. I’m interested to try the bialys though, and the whitefish salad. It was just too early for whitefish today.
    PS no stroller moms were in there.

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