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Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, the fact that we spent last week working from the remote reaches of rural Virginia was hopefully undetectable. Despite the slightly slower connection and the distraction of multiple children underfoot, we tried not to let pace of posts slow. We also found time for some local architectural appreciation. While there are plenty of grand old plantation houses in Rappahannock and Culpeper Counties, the most compelling structures to us are the simplest: The clean lines of an old barn or a one-room shack have a quiet elegance that wins us over every time.

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  1. what a surprise. I cashed in my chips and left Williamsburg last year (moved there when Jimmy Carter was in the White House–top that) and moved to rural Virginia. I check out this website when I feel homesick for Bklyn and/or have some perverse need to track the real estate craziness. I’m about 30 miles South of Charlottesville so if you were spending time in Orange VA (at the salvage place you mention in an earlier post) you weren’t far at all. funny